Technical planning and design for exhibitions and performances. Always working in harmony with the artists, technicians and curators.

Marina Abramović
Royal Academy of Arts London – 23 September 2023 – 1 January 2024

Marina Abramović
Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam 16 March – 14 jul 2024

Swart Gat/Gouden Eeuw (Dunguu olo – katibo-ten)
Door Tolin Erwin Alexander en Berith Danse.
Plein Theater, Amsterdam tot 31 juli 2020.
Set design: Bartel Meyburg / Video design: Ramon Coelho.

The Cleaner. Final of traveling exhibition Marina Abramović in The Museum of Contemporary Art, Belgrade 2019-2020. Exhibition design: Jeroen de Vries
Video Portrait Gallery in exhibition Terra Comunal, SESC, São Paulo Brazil 2015.