Moeder Suriname / Mama Sranan – Colorizing black and white archival film footage.

Restoration of film and video works by Abramović/Ulay.

In 2012 Marina Abramović asked me to restore her 16mm film archive. Over the last couple of years I developed methods to also restore and up scale analog video! In 2021 all her film- and video artworks, including solo works, video installations and joint works with Ulay, restored.
This video demo gives an idea of the improvements, please look at full HD.


Video preservation setup at the University of Amsterdam, Master program Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage 2019.

Barcelona Museum of Contemporary Art

Preservation of open reel video tapes from the collection Video-Nou / Servei de Vídeo Comunitar, commissioned by the MACBA Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona


Thousands of videotapes broadcasted in the 1980’s by the National University of Mexico (UNAM) are being digitized at this very moment at the Biblioteca Nacional de México (BNM)


Restoration practice on installations by Peter Zegveld and Servaas
at the RCE, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands.
Masters program Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage at the University of Amsterdam.

Vimeo gallery

Art exhibitions, interviews, installations and documentaries.